Get Xlite100 Bicycle taillights Intelligent sensor Brake lights ENFITNIX usb Road bike MTB Rear taillights & Number plate bracket only US $6.53 - 25.73 just for today
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Xlite100 리어 라이트 자전거 USB 스마트 충전 유도 브레이크 마운틴 바이크 브레이크 타기 액세서리 야간 테일 라이트
Ingratiated brake sensing techniques.
Full 6061 Aluminium alloy chassis.
Automatically turn on/off depending on the light intensity and motion.
Automatically switch to sleep mode to save power.
Seat rail mounting
Three flash modes.
20hrs+ run time.
400mAh Li-ion re-chargeable battery.
USB charging.
Charge stage indicate.
Compact and Light weight design (38g).
IPx6 Water proof.
Auto/Manual mode switch*.
Note: *Manual mode need to switch on/off the light manually.
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