Get USB Rechargeable Front Rear Bicycle Light Lithium Battery LED Bike Taillight Cycling Helmet Light Lamp Mount Bicycle Accessories only US $5.16 - 12.56 just for today
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Buying and selling USB Rechargeable Front Rear Bicycle Light Lithium Battery LED Bike Taillight Cycling Helmet Light Lamp Mount Bicycle Accessories online can be extremely convenient and rewarding however you always have to protect yourself. If the deal looks too great to be true, it usually is. If you don't feel fully secure on a particular internet site, leave it and find something else. As well, make sure that your computer is very well protected before you begin any deal that involves sensitive information. There are countless scams on the internet which can negatively affect your credit score and cost you money, so become proactive in your research to discover the most out of shopping online.
Safety warning bike light
By goofy
Features and specifications:
* Light Source: 1W high -power COB light* Power Supply: USB & 500 mAH Li-on Battery* Brightness: Red light (15lm),Blue light (10lm)* Charge: About 2 hours to fully charged, lasts for 4-6 hours* Net Weight: 45g* Protection Level: IP43* Temperature Range: -10℃~50℃
3 Models:
Red-white (7505B): Red light - Red flash - White light - White flash - Red white flashRed-blue (7505): Red light - Red flash - Blue light - Blue flash - Red blue flashRed-white-blue (7505C):White light - White flash - Red blue 100% constant - Red blue 50% constant - Red blue flash - Red blue flash
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